MicroSD Storage Card
1. Make sure the MicroSD card is inserted properly and in the correct direction – do not
force the card or you may damage the camera.
2. Please use a high-speed MicroSD card with SDHC specifications. High speed cards are marked
C4 or C6.
3. After first inserting a new MicroSD card please format it using the format option in the menu.
Video Mode:
1 Press the REC button to start or stop recording manually, when recording a red flashing circle
will be displayed on the screen.
2. To turn the night vision LEDs on and off press the power button briefly.
3. Digital zoom: Press the up and down buttons to zoom in and out.
Video Mode Settings Menu:
Press the menu button once while in video mode to access the settings:
1. Resolution: Choose resolution for recording video, higher quality takes more space on the
Micro SD card than lower resolutions.
2. Loop recording: Set to off or 1/2/3 minute chapters.
3. Exposure: Determines how light or dark the recording is.
4. Motion detection: turn on/off motion detection function.
5.Record Audio: Select if audio is recorded along with the video.
6. Date Stamp: Select if the time and date is overlayed on the video recordings
7. G-sensor: Set to off to disable or 2G,4G, 8G which is the force in G which causes the current
recording to be protected from overwriting. This protects the recording in the event of a crash.
Camera Mode:
1. Press the REC button to take a picture.
2. To turn the night vision LEDs on and off press the power button briefly.
3. Digital zoom: Press the up and down buttons to zoom in and out.
Camera Mode Settings Menu:
Press the menu button once while in camera mode to access the settings:
1. Capture Mode: Single, 2S, 5S, 10S timer. Chooses whether to take the image instantly or after
2, 5, 10 seconds.
2. Resolution: Choose resolution for pictures, higher quality takes more space on the Micro SD
card than lower resolutions.
3. Sequence: Switch on to take continuous still shots.
4. Quality: Select image quality from Fine, Normal or Economy
5. Sharpness: Select picture sharpness from Strong, Normal, Soft
6. White Balance: Select the type or light the camera is being used in (Daylight, Cloudy,
Tungsten, Flourescent) or set to Auto.
7. Colour: Select if images are saved in Colour, Black & White or Sepia
8. ISO: This is the setting of sensitivity to light. The higher the number, the more sensitive the
camera is to light but the higher the setting there is more noise on the picture in low light. Select
from Auto, 100, 200, 400
9. Exposure: Determines how light or dark the saved image is.