Fresh juice
is healthy
• Carrot juice:
It precipitates meta bolism, as it contains
microelements and vitamins necessary for organism proper
functioning. A vitamin being a product of carotene improves
the sight. The elements of this juice level the harmful
influence of nicotine restore the natural, healthy colour of
skin. A half glass of carrot juice and half glass of milk is
recommended for small children. Carrot juice mixed with
apple juice is recommended as an energy drink for elderly
• Tomato juice:
Ripe and fresh tomatoes give an excellent
qua lity juice. You can mix it with all other vegetable juices.
The juice contains a lot of A and C vitamins. Two glasses
cover a daily demand on C vitamin. Flavour it with salt and
pepper to improve the taste.
• Beetroot juice:
Beetroot juice mixed with orange juice
gives a drink of an excellent taste. This juice in pure form
can be consumed on doctor's recommendation only.
• Cabbage juice:
It is applied to cure gastric ulcer but on
doctor's recommendation only. Mixed with carrot juice is
good to drink even for people with sensitive stomach.
• Spinach juice:
This is a strong haematinic juice, but due to
the strong taste it is recommended to mix it with carrot
juice. Spinach juice mixed in equal amount with carrot juice
and celery juice gives a tasty drink.
• Celery juice:
Do not use celery leaves because of their
bitter taste. Celery- root juice is very tasty. You can mix it
with other vegetable juices. It should be consumed in
smaller amount than carrot juice. Apple or lemon juice
adding will improve the taste.
• Cucumber juice:
The juice is naturally insipid and it is
necessary to mix it with apple, carrot or celery juice. It is
used for skin care. It filters kidneys. It is recommended for a
slimming diet.
• Apple juice:
The juice made of fresh and ripe apples has
nice fragrance and flavour, it is rich in A and B vitamins and
very valuable mineral salts. Big amount of pectin makes the
juice improve digestion. Fresh apple juice is used against
podagra and rheumatism. It is a general great Nutriment.
• Blackberry juice:
The blackberry juice with small amount
of sugar and mineral water is a great refreshment. Due to a
big amount of vitamins and microelements it gives energy
especially to elderly people.