reading could result incorrect.
5) This device cannot be used
within the area interested by
radiations of Computerized Axial
Tomography. (TAC), X rays and
Magnetic Resonance (RMN).
6) This appliance must be used
solely for the purpose for which
i t w a s d e s i g n e d a n d i n
accordance with the operating
instructions. Any other use shall
be considered improper and
h e n c e h a z a r d o u s . T h e
manufacturer cannot be held
responsible for any damage
resulting from improper or
incorrect use.
7) If there is reduced blood
circulation in the arm due to acute
or chronic vascular diseases
(including the restriction of the
diameter of the blood vessels),
the precision of the measurement
could be affected.
8) In the case of cardio circulatory
illnesses, the measurement could
be falsified; the same could
happen with very low blood
pressure, problems with blood
supply, arrhythmia or other
prepathological conditions.
9) Do not use near to strong
magnetic fields. It must be kept
well away from radio equipment
or mobile phones.
10) Pressure varies from person to
person, and increases or
decreases every day, depending
on the stress the heart is
subjected to. Normally pressure
is low during the night, during
sleep or during relaxation, and it
is higher during the day, when
we smoke, during physical
exercise, under effort, when we
are anxious or tense. Blood
pressure tends to increase with
age and depends greatly on the
individual way of life. It is well
known that stress, obesity,