4.0 Cleaning and servicing
4.0 Cleaning and servicing
4.0 Cleaning and servicing
All hoses and collection jars can be cleaned, treated and
disinfected. As the inside of the suction hoses are difficult
to clean and will discolour with time, it is recommended
to replace these once a month.
4.1 Evacuating the collection jar
– Take off the connection hoses (suction hose and
unit connection hose) from lid.
– Withdraw collection jar with lid from the guides
– Open the collection jar lid by lifting.
– You can then empty the collection jar.
4.2 Cleaning the collection jar parts
Before emptying and cleaning the collection jar, remove
the charging power pack from the unit.
Collection jar and collection jar lid can be
rinsed under running water.
The unit can be wiped with a moist (not wet) cloth.
Ba si ca l l y, a l l p a rts w hi ch co me i n to co n -
tact with secretion must be cleaned and disin-
fected after each suction procedure.
Silicone hoses and collection jar parts (jar and lid) may also
be immersed in commercial disinfectants (see next page).
The lid parts and silicone hoses might
get dyed by some disinfectants; a fact which does
not take effect on the attributes of the materials.
Pay attention to correct hose connections of suction system
and to correct function of overflow safety.
4.3 Cleaning and disinfection
4.0 Cleaning and servicing
All hoses and collection jars can be cleaned, treated and
disinfected. As the inside of the suction hoses are difficult
to clean and will discolour with time, it is recommended
to replace these once a month.
4.1 Evacuating the collection jar
– Take off the connection hoses (suction hose and
unit connection hose) from lid.
– Withdraw collection jar with lid from the guides
– Open the collection jar lid by lifting.
– You can then empty the collection jar.
4.2 Cleaning the collection jar parts
Before emptying and cleaning the collection jar, remove
the charging power pack from the unit.
Collection jar and collection jar lid can be
rinsed under running water.
The unit can be wiped with a moist (not wet) cloth.
Ba si ca l l y, a l l p a rts w hi ch co me i n to co n -
tact with secretion must be cleaned and disin-
fected after each suction procedure.
Silicone hoses and collection jar parts (jar and lid) may also
be immersed in commercial disinfectants (see next page).
The lid parts and silicone hoses might
get dyed by some disinfectants; a fact which does
not take effect on the attributes of the materials.
Pay attention to correct hose connections of suction system
and to correct function of overflow safety.
4.3 Cleaning and disinfection