“Video Format”: the HDMI MPEG2 HD encoding module supports both MPEG2
and H.264 formats. Move the triangle mark with LEFT/RIGHT keys to specify the
intended format and press ENTER to confirm.
“Video Bit Rate”: Move the underline with LEFT/RIGHT keys and modify the value
of frequency with UP/DOWN keys, and press ENTER key to save the settings.
“Audio Format”: the encoding module supports MPEG2 and MEPG4 AC audio
formats. Move the triangle mark with UP/DOWN keys to specify the intended
format and press ENTER to confirm
Submenu “2.2 Input 2” is not applicable to the HTT 100 encoder modulator.
It is equipped with only one input slot, while the LCD menu program is written to
be compatible to the 1U model with 2 encoding slots.
Modulator Setting
When entering “Modulator Setting” submenu, user can find below different
parameters can be set and the LCD window would show as below:
3.1 Bandwidth
3.2 Constellations
3.5 Code Rate
3.6 RF Frequency
3.3 Transmission Mode
3.4 Guard Interval
3.7 RF Out Level
Video Bit Rate
08.000 Mbps
Video Format
Video Bit Rate
64 Kbps
96 Kbps
Audio Format
Audio Bit Rate
MPEG2 H.264