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Setting up a preset mode
With the IRT 9090 IR transmitter (Fagerhult order no. 86155), a number
of functions can be programmed in for an e-Sense Actilume installation.
The most useful function is programming one of ten different modes for
an installation. An IR transmitter is loaded with a mode, and the system
is updated with the press of a button.
The following preset modes are available to choose from:
Mode 1: Office room
Mode 2: Open-plan offices
Mode 3: School/classroom
Mode 4: Office landscape according to EN 12464
Mode 5: Office room according to EN 12464
Mode 6: Corridor
Mode 7: Toilet
Mode 8: Meeting room/conference room with light scenarios
Mode 9: Office landscape (requires switching off centrally with 230 V)
Mode 10: Office landscape according to EN 12464 (requires switching
off centrally with 230 V)
Programming a preset mode
1. Press button: MODE
2. Select a MODE from 1 to 10
3. Send the new information with a press of the green button.
Aim carefully at the IR receiver – the sender has a very narrow
beam to prevent accidental transmission to nearby systems.
The light will flash once to confirm the new setting.
Setting daylight level
With the IRT 8099 IR transmitter (Fagerhult order no. 86155), it is easy
to set the setpoint for daylight adjustment. Any value can be read
with a luxmeter placed on the surface towards which the sensor is
directed. It is important to remember that a lux value only applies to a
given point and does not correspond to the entire surface read by the
Actilume light sensor.
1. Adjust the light to the desired level using the up and down buttons.
Avoid interference from daylight when this setting is applied.
2. Save the new level using the SAVE button. The light will flash to
indicate that programming is complete.
Always aim carefully at the IR receiver – the sender has a very narrow
beam to prevent accidental transmission to nearby systems.