Assembly instructions
Assembly instructions
Setting up
Setting up
03. Connect the USB cable to Camera 1, note the orientation
04. Connect the USB cable to Camera 2
07. Make sure the power switch is turned off
08. Connect the control box to the AC transformer
01. Connect the vertical slide motors, connections are interchangeabe
02. Connect the horizontal slide motor
05. Connect the ribbon cable to the PCB on top of the scanner head
06. Plug in the AC transformer, do not connect it to the control box yet
09. Connect the USB cables of the cameras to the extensions
10. Connect the ribbon cable to the PCB of the control box
11. Connect the USB cable to the Arduino Proto Shield
12. Connect one camera USB cable to one of the USB 2 ports
13. Connect the other camera USB cable to one of the USB 3 ports
14. Connect the Arduino USB cable to another USB 3 port
15. Connect the mouse to the free USB-SATA port
16. Switch power on, the drivers’ status LED will turn green