Facit C1-13 Manual Download Page 8

Summary of Contents for C1-13

Page 1: ...J _ 94t 20 ogzgtz How to become an expert calculator ofl the l l3 FAGIT...

Page 2: ...n Revolution direction indicator Posirion indicator Decimal point The machine is loolproof Addition Subtraction Multiplicacion Short cut mr ltiplication Multiplication involving additioa of products C...

Page 3: ...1 Clearing lever for product register 2 Carriage shift keys 3 Setting keys 4 Tabulator 5 Clearing lewer for settrng regrster 6 Clearing lever for multiplier register 7 CranL handle...

Page 4: ...It takes the Facit C1 13 only ten setting Leys and a minimum of auxiliary keys to master all four rules of arithrnetic u l a 4 o U Lta 3 4 c 3 o u o c H U xt u U t...

Page 5: ...qt youl service Overall tens transmission in the product and multiplier registers which facilitates short cuts allows immediate readings and ensures complete reliability direct division setting which...

Page 6: ...ys in tbe ord ei tbe figures appear in he number 4 1 i only 10 sefiing re ys Ler us assume that you re going to set up the number 1365 First you set up 1 then 3 6 and 5 in thar order Every time you de...

Page 7: ...to the touch system for which the machine has been designed sutfice to do oll cqlculqtions By practising this system right from the start you will very soon Iearn how to cal culate speedily and corre...

Page 8: ...ltiplier register hor s rhe quotient in di ision rhe num b r of ircm in addirion and rLe muhi plicr it multiplication Atithmeticdl tetms are recapiwlated on pdge 24 Each of the three registers has irs...

Page 9: ...h the movement takes place Tnc rislt hand slift key hoves the nunerils to The lef h nd shift ley m6 er rhe fruD nume il r v rd rlr lcfi fqbulqtor tsy a single depression of the tabulator key to the ri...

Page 10: ...ed out smoothly and evenly not jerkily Pull ne out tle handle in the dne tion slown by the rrrow Crank forwards PositiL e twn to add and backtoards negdtioe turn to sabtract a number zohicheuer the ca...

Page 11: ...ll the first and following turns are positive It counts the ntrrnber ol negdtfue tans when rhe first and following turns arc negative lJ positioe turns are made raitb a negative coupled rcgister it co...

Page 12: ...carors nust therelore be positiotrcd urdcr 7 lthc rxult of thc d vision is 1 2 Rules for decinzal point Addition and subtraction Position thc decimal indicator identically in thc setting and in the pr...

Page 13: ...lculation or possibly damage the mechanism Never try to force the machine if it jams Jamming indicates that some of the operat ing parts have locked these must be restored to normal position before yo...

Page 14: ...et up the lext numelals 394 and make a forward turo The total of the tvro sets of numerals will theq appear in the prod uct fegrsier Clear the setting register once more and continue to add the remain...

Page 15: ...gures from the setting register to the product register Clear the setting register Set up the lesser number 80927 Make a backward turn and read off the tesult in the product register This number is th...

Page 16: ...ltiplied by 43 Look at the multi plier register it shows Multiplicotion The product regisrer shows Press the left hand shift kev f twice passing the figure 0 in the multiplier and make 2 for ward turn...

Page 17: ...he handle at once in the ncgative direction there will appear to the right in the multiplier register a red dot which indicates thar the register is set for minus or negative opera_ tion If this is t...

Page 18: ...ducts in the The product register shows rhc toral amount of thc two trultiplications Conlinuous multiplicotion Examplc 127 l2x31l The nrultiplication 127XlZ is performed in thc The product register sh...

Page 19: ...prod ucr register shows and the multiplier register Again press down the right hand shift key p and continue backward turns until the bell rings rhen a forward turn The producc register now shovs not...

Page 20: ...a forward turn shows the completc Clear thc setting register Set up the first 9 figures in thc next number Prcss thc left hand shift kcy p thrce times and makc a forward rurn The producr regisrer now...

Page 21: ...bcr 3 1 Make a forrvard turn Product regirer shows Subtroction below Zero Exdm le 57 68 34 136 Clear sctting register and set up 136 Makc one ncgativc turn Product rcgister shows which is a complcmcnt...

Page 22: ...tive turns until the number in the product register as near as possible approaches the first two figures of the dividend 67 After two forward turns the figures 55 will appear in the product register a...

Page 23: ...e multiplier You therefore multiply first by 4 Then press the rigl t i i li r nd multirlr by r Prcrs right hand shifc Lcy on c more and mu tiply b1 5 Thc multiplier registcr shows To the left in thc p...

Page 24: ...have to make a negarive rurn Press the risht hand shift key f once and make a forward tum Thc bell rings and you there fore give the handle a backward turn Press the riqhr hand shifr key l es rin and...

Page 25: ...9x3 22 58x2 89 397 X7 93 18x9 27 Set up 659 and multiply by 392 Thet cleat the setting register only Repeat this procedure vith the remaining multiplications The product register will show the sum of...

Page 26: ...ltiply by the first number 23 43 Point off decimal places in the product register and your answer is 3 09 Don t clear the registers Change the figures 23 43 in the multiplier register into the next nu...

Page 27: ...tra charge and the discouqt are ateady given so you begin by multiplying 6 457 73 by 1 05 The answer is 6 780 62 Clear setting and multiplier registers The next mtrltiplication is to be negative Sel u...

Page 28: ...n Mubiplicand X Multiplier Prcd uct The multiplicand and multiplier are also called factors Division Dioid eod t Dilisor e otient Dividend and divisor can also be expressed thus Diaidend N merdtot all...

Page 29: ...ting machines the Facit C1 13 is entirely en closed and thus protected against dust Naturally the mechanism will be subject ro a certain amount of wear as the oil is gradually consumed Like all other...

Page 30: ...l ir Thanhs for 2oar interest I The time you have put into reading this little book will be repaid by your Facit calculator many times over 21 C1 01 Eng 8 M 11 59...
