Copyright © 2016 FabiaTech Corporation, The content of this publication may not
be reproduced in any part or as a whole, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system,
translated into any language, or transcribed in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, and magnetic… or otherwise without the prior written
permission of FabiaTech Corporation.
FabiaTech makes no representation of warranties with respect to the contents of
this publication. In an effort to continuously improve the product and add features,
FabiaTech reserves the right to revise the publication or change specifications
contained in it from time to time without prior notice of any kind from time to time.
FabiaTech shall not be reliable for technical or editorial errors or omissions, which
may occur in this document. FabiaTech shall not be reliable for any indirect,
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Trademarks, brand names and products names mentioned in this publication are
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Technical Support
If you have problems or difficulties in using the system or setting up the relevant
devices, BIOS and software that are not explained in this manual, please contact
our service engineer for service, or send email to
Returning Your Board for Service & Technical Support
If your board requires servicing, contact the dealer from whom you purchased the
product for service information. You can help assure efficient servicing of your
product by following these guidelines:
A list of your name, address, telephone, facsimile number, or email address
where you may be reached during the day
Description of you peripheral attachments
Description of your software (operating system, version, application
software, etc.) and BIOS configuration
Description of the symptoms (Extract wording any message)
For updated BIOS, drivers, manuals, or product information, please visit us at