Rule n°5: Respect and help out others
Put away your material
Be careful not to unwind your lines on top of others’. The same applies when you put down
your kite, be careful not to do it on top of someone’s line. This can become hazardous if he
or she re-launches his or her kite without noticing your lines. If you leave your kite on the
beach, to get some rest or just waiting for better conditions, think of rolling up your lines on
your bar to clear up the spot.. Disconnect the lines from the kite if you are going to live the
kite on the beach unattended.
Avoid the kite at the zenith
Avoid if possible staying with the kite at the zenith while you are still on the ground, better to
take it down in order to get some rest. This could be hazardous for you and the others: you
are not safe from a sudden lack of wind or a strong gust that could take you down. On the
ground or the beach, falls are harder and they hurt.
Your kite at the zenith can also disturb the others from landing and launching their kites.
Help out others
Always keep an eye on your surroundings, and pay attention to others. Do not hesitate to
help out others launching and landing their kites, or going after a struggling kitesurfer.
Respect the priority on the water
When two kitesurfers are passing each other, the one closer to the wind origin should raise
his kite and the kite surfer under the wind should lower his kite to avoid a tangling of the
When two kitesurfers are facing each other, the kite surfer riding with the wind coming from
starboard (right hand forward) according to the path followed has the priority over the kite
surfer who’s wind comes from port side (left hand forward). The kitesurfer riding starboard
should maintain his or her trajectory and the one riding port side should move further
down the wind in order not to cross their paths.
Before any jumps or direction changes, make sure there is enough room and that you are
not going to cross anyone’s path.
Respect bystanders.
Inform the spectators of the power of the kite and of the potential risk by staying downwind
from a kite surfer.
Do not lend your equipment to a none kite surfer.
Rule n°6: Learn to use your safety systems
Do not fly your kite without a proper safety system allowing you to instantly kill the power of
the kite and without a safety leash connecting you to the kite once you have killed the
power, this leash should also be releasable in case of an emergency. Frequently check the
wear and tear of your safety systems.
Do not wait for trouble to learn how to operate your safety systems. Chose a wide open
area to practice your release of the kite.