To make a different display your primary
display, drag the white bar to the box that
represents that display.
Setting up an Extended Desktop:
1. From the Apple menu, choose
“System Preferences”.
The white bar at the top of the blue box identifies
You might see black bars on the sides of the screen image.
This happens if you choose a resolution in the Display pane
that only one of your displays supports. Your Mac uses the
closest matching resolution. To switch between video
mirroring and an extended mode, press
Command–Brightness Down.
your primary display. The primary display is where
your desktop icons and open app windows first
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How to Change the Resolution and Refresh
Rate on Mac:
System Preferences, Click on Display, Under the Display:
While holding the Option button down, click on “ Scale “
twice then you can see the range of resolutions.
Then click on the “ Show low resolution modes” box.
Then you can choose the Refresh Rate available.
The blue boxes represent all displays that you've connected.
The white bar at the top of both boxes represents your
primary display. In video mirroring, both displays have a
white bar because they show the same information.