Page 21
Owner’s Manual and Service Guide
Read all of manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notes, Cautions and Warnings
Using A Hydrometer
1. Draw electrolyte into the hydrometer several times to
permit the thermometer to adjust to the electrolyte
temperature and note the reading. Examine the color
of the electrolyte. A brown or gray coloration indicates
a problem with the battery and is a sign that the bat-
tery is nearing the end of its life.
2. Draw the minimum quantity of electrolyte into the
hydrometer to permit the float to float freely without
contacting the top or bottom of the cylinder.
3. Hold the hydrometer in a vertical position at eye level
and note the reading where the electrolyte meets the
scale on the float.
4. Add or subtract four points (.004) to the reading for
every 10° F (6°C) the electrolyte temperature is
above or below 80° F (27° C). Adjust the reading to
conform with the electrolyte temperature, e.g., if the
reading indicates a specific gravity of 1.250 and the
electrolyte temperature is 90° F (32° C), add four
points (.004) to the 1.250 which gives a corrected
reading of 1.254. Similarly if the temperature was 70°
F (21°C), subtract four points (.004) from the 1.250
to give a corrected reading of 1.246 (Ref Fig. 25 on
page 21).
5. Test each cell and note the readings (corrected to 80°
F or 27° C). A variation of fifty points between any two
cell readings (example 1.250 - 1.200) indicates a
problem with the low reading cell(s).
As a battery ages the specific gravity of the electrolyte
will decrease at full charge. This is not a reason to
replace the battery, providing all cells are within fifty
points of each other.
Since the hydrometer test is in response to a vehicle
exhibiting a performance problem, the vehicle should be
recharged and the test repeated. If the results indicate a
weak cell, the battery or batteries should be removed
and replaced with a good battery of the same brand, type
and approximate age.
The only maintenance required of the charger is the peri-
odic cleaning of the DC connector auxiliary contact.
To clean the auxiliary contact, slide an emery board
between main contact and auxiliary contact located in the
hole of the charger plug nearest the rounded corners
(Ref Fig. 26 on page 21). Press emery board down to
apply pressure to the auxiliary contact and slide board in
and out of plug approximately 10 to 20 times, keeping
pressure applied to the auxiliary contact surface.
Fig. 25 Hydrometer Temperature Correction
Fig. 26 Cleaning Auxiliary Contact in Charger Plug
160 71
150 66
140 60
130 54
120 49
110 43
100 38
90 32
80 27
70 21
60 16
50 10 –.012
40 4 –.016
30 –1
2 –7
10 –12 –.028
Electrolyte Temperature
Above 80˚ F (27˚ C)
Electrolyte temperature
90˚ F (32˚ C)
Hydrometer reading 1.250
1.250 + .004 = 1.254
corrected specific gravity
Electrolyte Temperature
Below 80˚ F (27˚ C)
Electrolyte temperature
70˚ F (21˚ C)
Hydrometer reading 1.250
1.250 - .004 = 1.246
corrected specific gravity
˚ F
˚ C
Main Contact
Auxiliary Contact