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(1) alarm input 1,2,3,4
(2) grounding (3) RS232 (4) RS485 (5) alarm input 5,6,7,8
(6) grounding (7) alarm output
(2) & (6)
Alarm output interface(constant open type)
RS232 port
485communication interface which is connected with the
recording control equipments such as the decoder
2.6.1 Alarm input port specification
8 channels alarm input. Alarm input type unlimited.
The grounding and the com port of the alarm sensor are parallel (The alarm sensor is external power
supply) .
The grounding of the alarm and the DVR should be shared.
The NC port of the alarm sensor must be connected with the DVR alarm input port.
The grounding of the power supply and the alarm sensor must be shared when used in external power
2.6.2 Alarm output port specification
2 channels alarm output. There is external power supply when using the external alarm equipment.
Please refer to the relay relevant parameters to avoid the overload that damages main machine.