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All rights reserved. DRAFT. October 20, 2011
Building a SummitStack Configuration
Summit Family Switches Hardware Installation Guide
Figure 107
shows an example of a four-switch stack that includes two Summit X650 series switches.
In the Summit X650 series switches, the SummitStack ports are on installed VIM1-SummitStack
modules. The Summit X650 series switches are placed at the top of the stack and will be designated the
stack master and backup nodes. The recommended order for connecting the stacking ports is the same
as for the example in
Figure 105 on page 160
Figure 107: SummitStack Configuration Using SummitStack X650 Series Switches
and SummitStack 40G Cables
Figure 108
shows an example of a four-switch stack that combines two Summit X650 series switches and
two Summit X460 series switches. In the Summit X650 series9b switches, the stacking ports are on
installed VIM1-SummitStack modules. In the Summit X460 series switches, the stacking ports are on
installed SummitStack stacking module. The recommended order for connecting the stacking ports is
the same as for the example in
Figure 105 on page 160
Figure 108: SummitStack Configuration Using Summit X650 and X460 Series Switches
and SummitStack 40G Cables
Multiple-Rack Stacking Configurations
Figure 109
shows two Summit X480 series switches and two Summit X650 series switches physically
located in two adjacent racks. In each rack, a Summit X480 series switch is placed at the top, with a
Summit X650 series switch below it. The switches are connected into a stack using SummitStack ports
on installed VIM2-SummitStack and VIM1-SummitStack modules. In this example, start by connecting
the Summit X480 switches together; they will be designated the stack master and backup nodes (slot 1
and slot 2, respectively).
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4