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Extreme Networks Technical Brief

© 2010 Extreme Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. 

EPICenter 7.1 Job Scheduler—Page 2

Figure 2: Graphical Representation of Ring Topology 

Custom Deployment Sequence

EPICenter also now allows users to run a script on devices 
all at once, or to follow a specific predefined sequence. This 
feature enables administrators to make network-wide updates 
in a sequenced order with a few simple clicks. Prior to this 
capability, a network operator had to log into each individual 
system, make the changes, logout and then repeat the process 
for each device. Since this was a manual process, the user 
needed to be very careful to avoid typos or making errors in 
sequencing. With the custom deployment sequence feature 
in EPICenter, the plan can now be laid out and then executed 
with confidence. Network operators are no longer faced with 
manually typing a long sequence of commands, with the 
likelihood of accidentally going out of order or forgetting a 
critical step. Through the EPICenter custom deployment 
sequence capability, deployment can be speedy, repeatable, 
and error free.  

Figure 2: Custom Deployment Sequence

Power of Tcl

EPICenter 7.1 scripting leverages the power of Tcl, an industry-
standard scripting language that allows for data and string 
manipulation, programming control structures, and other 
logical operations. Multifaceted scripts can be created and 
used for a wide range of functions, from making simple changes 
in the network to complex data-gathering activities and decision 
handling. With the availability of Tcl functions, it is now possible 
to capture data from multiple outputs, parse that information 
for key data points and then take action. Some tasks that 
would benefit from this capability include:

•  Parsing of status screens to provide a summary of  

key information

•  Obtaining a quick summary of device health and utilization
•  Deploying an additional network feature after checking 

for dependencies 

•  Debugging and isolating network issues
•  Achieving feature configuration uniformity 

Auto-Generated GUI

One of the powerful features of scripting in EPICenter is its 
ability to auto-generate a user interface. Metadata can be 
embedded in the script where EPICenter then translates 
this data into labels and data entry fields. The GUI provides 
a simplified interface so that knowledge of how to create 
scripts can be isolated to specific staff members thereby 
significantly reducing training costs. Less-trained staff members 
can use the auto-generated GUI to customize variables at 
deployment without needing to understand the details of the 
scripts, and the GUI protects the scripts from accidental edits 
or changes. 

Figure 3: Auto-Generated GUI
