Let’s begin!
1. Locate the 2 wing panels as well as the G10 aileron and flap control horns. Use sandpaper
to scuff the portion of the control horn that will be glued into the surface. For a more
finished look you may wish to paint your control horns before installation. Do not paint the
portion of the control horn that will glue into the control surface.
2. Using a soldering iron or a sharp hobby knife, remove the covering from the slots for the
aileron and flap horns. Place the control horns into the baseplate. Dry fit the horns into
their respective slots and trim any debris from the slot until the control horn seats properly
against the control surface. Sand away any portion of the baseplate that may extend
beyond the edge of the bevel. Once satisfied with fit remove the control horns and use your
hobby knife to remove the covering that is under the baseplate for best glue adhesion to the