Control Throws
Ailerons: Low 15 degrees
High 30 degrees
Elevator: Low 15 degrees
High 45-50 degrees
Rudder: Low 10 degrees
High 25 degrees
Use Exponential on all controls. We recommend starting with 25% on low rates and 60% on high rates.
Adjust as needed to obtain the control feel you want. Consult your radio manual for help in setting
exponential properly.
NOTE: Do not use high rates higher than these rates on your first flights. Work up to
higher rates if you desire them.
Make your first flight with the controls set on low rates. During the trimming phase, we recommend
landing with some throttle, not attempting to “dead stick” the airplane. This may mean you need to time
your flights and keep them a bit shorter than usual. After your first flights, check all control connections
and motor and prop mounts for tightness.
Check your rudder pull-pull cables for tightness at the beginning of each flying session. Pull-pull cables
tend to loosen a bit over time, and loose pull-pull cables (cables that flop, or have sag, or that allow you to
move the rudder with your hand without the servo arm moving) are a major contributor to poor aerobatic
Periodically inspect the battery tray area in your aircraft. This plane does excellent high-speed tumbling
maneuvers, and this type of maneuver puts tremendous stress on the battery tray area. Occasionally
adding a bit of CA glue to the battery tray joints will help your aircraft last through hundreds and hundreds
of flights.
We hope you enjoy your
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