CO30
CO30
‐
en
‐
GB_v1.6
12/14
Relative
Humidity
Compensation
Adjustment
When
is
shown
on
the
display,
press
and
hold
the
Control
button
to
enter
the
relative
humidity
compensation
adjustment
mode.
Momentarily
press
the
Control
button
to
make
a
step
change
in
the
offset;
the
range
is
‐
to
+9
%.
When
done,
press
and
hold
the
Control
button
to
save
the
setting.
The
meter
will
return
to
the
normal
mode.
Note:
To
perform
an
accurate
offset
adjustment,
a
standard
reference
is
required
for
comparison.
Warning:
While
performing
temperature
or
compensation
adjustments
do
not
touch
the
slotted
openings
on
the
meter
housing,
these
are
where
the
sensors
are
located.
Otherwise,
accuracy
may
be
compromised.
Note:
If
the
meter
displays
‘
’
press
the
Control
button
to
step
to
the
next
setting.
Alarm
Beeper
Threshold
Selection
When
is
shown
on
the
display,
press
and
hold
the
Control
button.
The
factory
default
setting
will
flash.
Momentarily
press
the
Control
button
to
choose
a
25ppm,
30ppm,
35ppm,
50ppm,
100ppm,
or
200ppm
threshold.
After
the
selection,
press
and
hold
the
Control
button
to
save
and
return
to
the
normal
mode.
The
alarm
beeper
prompts
personnel
to
evacuate
an
area
because
of
the
detection
of
unsafe
concentrations
of
The
meter
alarms
when
the
concentration
exceeds
the
default
or
user
‐
programmed
threshold.
The
beeper
may
be
temporarily
silenced
for
approximately
minutes
by
pressing
the
Control
button.
After
this
time,
if
the
meter
continues
to
detect
a
concentration
exceeding
the
threshold,
it
will
alarm
again.
For
safety
purposes,
the
meter
alarm
function
cannot
be
completely
disabled.