407355 Version 2.4 9/07
DIN to DB-9 Cable
PC Interface Cable and Adaptor Wiring Reference
The wiring diagrams and pin-outs for the supplied PC Interface cable is provided below:
Battery Replacement and Status Display
The 407355 is powered by four (4) ‘AAA’ 1.5V batteries and the LCD display employs a 5-
segment battery status indicator.
5-segment battery LCD status indicator
When the batteries are fully charged, all five segments of the indicator will be visible. As
the batteries discharge, the segments switch off one by one. Do not use the instrument if
all five segments have switched off.
To replace the batteries:
1. Remove the large flat-head screw from the back of the instrument. This will free the
belt clip; remove the clip.
2. The discharged 1.5V ‘AAA’ batteries will be visible behind the clip.
3. Replace the batteries observing polarity.
4. Re-assemble the clip