Regularly check that the product is in good working
order and that all safety devices are intact. Any faults
discovered must be rectified before the product
is used.
TU has been developed for high operating reliability
with few moving parts, as well as minimal and easy
maintenance. Check regularly:
• that all hoses and couplings are airtight and
in good condition. Replace if necessary.
• that straps and chains are in good
condition. Replace if necessary.
• that drainage holes are open, to allow any
condensation to drain. Clean out if necessary.
Keep TU well lubricated during operation.
L & R
When washing, avoid using a high pressure
washer directly on TU.
Prevent obstructions by operating the tensioner
empty from time to time.
The (2) grease nipples are located on each side under
the drive shaft.
Regular visual inspections are recommended during
operation. Spray grease into the nipples until clean
grease comes out at the shaft. Wipe off excess grease.
Recommended grease
TU must be lubricated with CARGO ICE ExTe item
no. 802149, or grease with equivalent properties.
Synthetic complex grease with EP additives, NLGI 2.
Drop > 150°C Working temperature range minimum
-50° C to +140° C