Range Setting
Duct Pressure
Range (in. WC)
Setpoint Controller
(c16) Value
Operating Range:
As mentioned in the pressure transducer section, the Pressure Control system can be con
gured to operate in one
of three pressure ranges. Changing the range to better match your system’s actual pressure range can make the
systems pressure changes more accurate and can prevent errors in the transducer’s readings.
To change the pressure range you must make adjustments to both the pressure transducer and to the setpoint
• In the pressure transducer, choose which one of the three ranges best suits your system. Slide the
corresponding switch to the ON position and make sure all other switches are in the OFF position.
In the setpoint control, enter the programming menu and scroll to parameter “c16.” Change the value to
that which corresponds to the range you chose for the pressure transducer in the table above. Exit the
programming menu to save the setting.
Reverse/Direct acting mode:
The pressure control system is capable of maintaining negative or positive pressure in a duct system. The typical
application is a negative duct pressure as monitored at the inlet of an exhaust fan. An application where positive
duct pressure may be experienced would be at the outlet side of a fan.
For systems operating with a Negative duct pressure, the setpoint controller must be in “Reverse Acting”
mode. This mode is active when a appears on the display. This mode is active when shipped from
the factory. To activate reverse acting mode, enter the programming menu and scroll to “c0.” Change
the value to 2, and then exit to save the change.
• For systems operating with a Positive duct pressure, the setpoint controller must be in “Direct Acting”
mode. This mode is active when a appears on the display. This mode is not active when shipped
from the factory. To activate direct acting mode, enter the programming menu and scroll to “c0.” Change
the value to 1, and then exit to save the change.