Example Files
A zip file containing some example files, which are known to work, is
Scale Playlist Format
A scale playlist file might look something like this:
disting playlist v1
This breaks down as:
The header: "disting playlist v1"
Default settings (optional)
List of scale files
Per-file settings after each file (optional)
Files may appear more than once in the playlist, with the same or different settings.
Settings are in the format "-" <setting name> "=" <setting value>
Settings that appear before any scale file apply globally to all the files in the playlist, unless
overridden by the per-file settings.
Currently there is only one setting, which is the name of the keyboard mapping file to use with the
scale file.
Possible Sources of Error
If there is a problem reading or interpreting the scale files, the disting will not be able to use them.
Possible things to check include:
The scale and keyboard mapping files must obviously be valid Scala format files, that the
Scala application itself will load successfully.
The scale and keyboard mapping must match – for example, the keyboard mapping must not
refer to scale degrees that the scale does not have.
For the keyboard mapping files, the reference frequency must be given for a note that is
actually mapped.
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