Parts removal and prep:
-Remove the front Y belt Idler and bracket
-Remove the rear Y belt motor and bracket – set aside the motor to re-use
-Remove the rear Y endstop
-Remove the Z endstop
-Loosen all the bed hand adjusters, and remove the heated bed plate – set aside to re-use
-Loosen the V-wheels, and remove the bed carrier plate – set aside the carrier plate to re-use
-Remove the left side (of the two) front and back M5 bolts holding the 2040 bed
ExoSlides Bearing Preload:
-Start with the tensioning screw head (M3) not touching the slide face.
-Fit one end of the slide with only those treads contacting the rail, and adjust the appropriate
tensioning screw.
-Repeat the above step until you achieve a low contact force, with a slight drag on the slide as it
is pulled upwards off the rail.