© 2022 Exile Audio • www.exileaudio.com SXT7 Owner’s Manual
© 2022 Exile Audio • www.exileaudio.com SXT7 Owner’s Manual
STEP 1. You will have to
assemble the speaker to the
clamp. To do this, thread the
wires from the post through
the center hole in the bottom
half of the clamp. Then,
making sure to use thread
lock on each bolt, secure
each bolt through the clamp
into the post.
STEP 2. Connect by
crimping or soldering the
wires from the speaker to
the corresponding wires
from your tower.
We recommend having a
second person hold the
speaker in place while
doing this step.
STEP 4. Once the
speaker is secure to
the tower loosen the
two set screws, at the
top of the collar, to
allow speaker rotation.
The speaker will allow
nearly 360° of rotation
so you can aim it
exactly where you
would like.
Once the position is
where you want it,
simply tighten the two
set screws to lock the
speaker from spinning.
DO NOT remove
the lock bolt at the
bottom of the collar
unless otherwise
instructed to.
This bolt keeps the
speaker from falling
from the clamp.
STEP 4. Hand tighten the
clamp bolts through the top half
of the clamp around the tower
and into the lower half of the
clamp. Begin alternately
tightening the bolts, with the
supplied allen wrench, until
both bolts are equally tight
around the tower and the
clamp is griping the
tower bar.
Boat T