RMS1 – GR User’s Manual
The HOLDING REGISTER 40001 to 40010 and 40012 are used for general purpose only. This
means that you can save data for later use. The register 40011 is used to write all the Digital
Outputs at the same time. If you write any Digital Output the register’s value will change too.
If you write ‘2’ in the 40011 register.
40011: <0000
> 00001: <0>
00002: <
00003: <0>
00004: <0>
00005: <0>
00006: <0>
00007: <0>
00008: <0>
00009: <0>
00010: <0>
00011: <0>
00012: <0>
00013: <0>
00014: <0>
00015: <0>
00016: <0>
Now it will change COIL 00001 register’s value, writing to it ‘1’. The 40011 register’s value
will change to ‘0003’.
00001: <
40011: <0000
00002: <1>
00003: <0>
00004: <0>
00005: <0>
00006: <0>
00007: <0>
00008: <0>
00009: <0>
00010: <0>
00011: <0>
00012: <0>
00013: <0>
00014: <0>
00015: <0>
00016: <0>
If you write a value bigger than the equipment can handle (if it has 16 Digital Outputs you
can write a value less than 65535) it only will write the less significant value.
If the equipment has 8 Digital Outputs and you write ‘65000’ the value that will be
written is ‘232’ because the last 8 bits of the value count.