• The game is set to one player mode by default.
• For 2-player mode, the player who presses the start key fi rst
will be the fi rst batter and player 1. The second player will be
the in the fi eld and will pitch fi rst.
• There are nine innings in an entire game.
• If player 2 get more runs than player 1 after the fi rst half of the
9th inning, the game ends immediately.
• If the score is tied after the fi rst half of the 9th inning, the game
continue to the second half of the 9th inning.
• If the home team (the team that bats second) has the most runs
after the top of the 9th inning, the game ends immediately.
• If the score is tied after the second half of the 9th inning, the
will show on screen, and the game will end.
• Three strikes make one
Four balls is a walk. There are
three outs in each inning.