Chapter 3: Play Right Away
3.1 Choosing Chess or Checkers
Depending on your choice, set up either
the magnetic chess pieces (chess rules
and tips are found in Chapter 7) or
and tips are f
and tips are f
the magnetic checkers (checker rules
are found in Chapter 8). Both sets of
pieces are found in the piece-storage
compartment located next to the battery
After you have installed the batteries, the
LCD will show “PL AY Che ss.” (If it
doesnʼt press the ACL button on the back
of the unit.) At the left of the display, a
white box indicates itʼs Whiteʼs move,
since the White pieces move fi rst in
If you wish instead to play checkers,
press the NEW GAME button. The
display will show “PL AY Chk rs.” At
the left of the LCD, a black box indicates
that itʼs Blackʼs turn, since Black moves
fi rst in checkers.
Master Chess gives you the fi rst move.
3.2 How to Register Your Move
Your Master Chess is equipped with
a sensory board. Every square on the
board is labeled with a unique address,
made up of a letter and a number.
Whether youʼre playing chess or
checkers, making your move is very
simple. Think of communicating your
move as a two-step process—registering
square and then registering the
square of the move you wish to make.
To make a move, press down lightly on
square with the bottom edge
of the chess piece or checker you wish
to move. Unless youʼve restricted the
normal sounds (see 4.13 below), youʼll
hear a beep. The coordinated of that
square will appear in the LCD. (You
might see, for example, “E2.”) Next
press down on the
square, the square
you wish to move the piece or man to.
Youʼll hear another beep letting you
know your move has been registered.
3.3 Illegal Moves
If you try to make an illegal move,
youʼll hear the standard beep followed
immediately by a deeper tone.
If youʼre playing checkers, the from
square you pressed will be displayed.
You can either complete the move by
moving the checker to a legal square
or press the
square to cancel the
original move and make another one.
If youʼre playing chess, the complete
illegal move will appear on the screen.
To take it back, simply press fi rst on the
square. That part of the move will be
erased from the display.
Then press on the
square and the
rest of the illegal move will be erased.
The illegal move is canceled, allowing
you to make a new move.
3.4 Making Master Chess Move
After youʼve successfully made your
move, Master Chess will reply with its
The LCD will display
“LOSE” if either side loses.