System Setup 6:
Select water softener regeneration type
Water softener delayed (DEL-1)
Water softener delayed (DEL-2)
Water softener delayed (DEL-3)
Water softener delayed (DEL-4)
Water softener delayed with multiple
regenerations allowed per day would be used
either to reduce the water softener reverse
volume, or to accommodate a small water
softener system relative to the treatment
System Setup 7:
Select water softener reserve calculation ON
or OFF. OFF will schedule a regen when the
water softener volumetric capacity reaches 0.
This water softener screen will not display for
Water softener delayed with multiple
regenerations allowed per day would be used
either to reduce the water softener reverse
volume, or to accommodate a small water
softener system relative to the treatment
System Setup 8:
Set water softener auxiliary initiated regen.
Start water softener time regen. Regeneration
will start immediately after 2 cumulative
minutes of switch closure. Start water softener
regen: Regeneration will start immediately
upon switch closure. Start water softener
regen del: regeneration will start at the water
softener delayed time upon closure.
Hold water softener regen:
Regeneration will not be allowed as long as
there is switch closure.
Water Softener Setup Screens Continued: