2. Il trattamento sarà effettuato con le seguenti modalità: manuale /informatizzato.
3. Il conferimento dei dati è obbligatorio e l’eventuale rifiuto a fornire tali dati potrebbe comportare la
mancata o parziale esecuzione del contratto.
4. I dati saranno comunicati esclusivamente ai Centri di Assistenza Tecnica Autorizzata.
Servizio assistenza NO PROBLEM per Professionista.
Contatta l’Assistenza Exalta per richiesta autorizzazione al reso. In caso di rilascio autorizzazione, la
merce non conforme verrà ritirata a nostre spese.
Se l’apparecchio è ancora in garanzia, il ritiro/riparazione/sostituzione e la restituzione sono
completamente gratuiti.
Joycare S.p.A., a company with a sole shareholder, offers a 1 year warranty for goods sold to
professionals. The warranty does not cover damage caused by accidental breakage, transportation,
incorrect maintenance or cleaning, incompetent professional use of the goods, tampering or
repairs carried out by non authorised third parties. The following is also excluded: damage caused
by incorrect product installation, and damage caused by wear and tear, obviously including parts
subject to wear and tear.
In order to obtain the replacement/repair of products under warranty in cases other than those
mentioned above, but which are instead caused by manufacturing defects, please contact your local
importer/distributer. Goods that are not held to be in good condition because of the aforesaid causes
must be accompanied by this certificate, duly filled-in, as well as a receipt for the goods (invoices and
transport documents) and purchasing documentation.
Please keep the original packaging of the product.
Joycare S.p.A. sociétaire unique, offre pour la marchandise vendue au professionnel, 1 année de
garantie. Ne sont pas couverts par la garantie les dommages causés par la casse accidentelle, les
dommages dus au transport, par une mauvaise manutention ou nettoyage, par un manque
d’expérience dans l’utilisation professionnelle pour lequel sont prévus nos produits, par altérations
ou réparations effectuées par des personnes non autorisées. Sont également exclus les dommages
dérivants d’une installation incorrecte du produit et les dommages consécutifs à l’usure des parties,
naturellement sujettes à l’usure.
Pour obtenir le remplacement/la réparation du produit sous garantie, dans les cas non prévus ci
dessus, mais pour défauts de fabrication, nous vous invitons à contacter l’importateur/distributeur