Commercial in Confidence
Copyright © 2021, all rights reserved by Exacom, Inc.
Appendix B
Included utilities
A couple of command line utilities are provided with the unit which are mainly intended f or use by
support, but anyone may run them.
: Compute a hash of operational system f iles and report the f irmware version f rom i t. A new
utility in version 628, it does not exist in previous f irmware versions. To use it , open a command line
via SSH and enter the command:
. /opt/ears/script/version.sh
This should result in output similar to the example below:
support@ears:~$ . /opt/ears/script/versionhash.sh
Binary: v21690
Script: v21690
If the version is unknown it will report “vUnk”, which means the unit has likely been tampered with, as
all Exacom firmware correctly report a version number when ECO’d.
Binary reports the contents of the /opt/ears/bin directory, where all the compiled code resides.
Script report the contents of the /opt/ears/script directory, where all the system scripts reside.
To see the hash values, include anything as a parameter:
./version.sh anything
: display line levels f or each available channel. To use it:
Change to the bin directory: cd /opt/ears/bin
Execute showLines: ./showLines
This should result in output similar to below:
support@ears:/opt/ears/bin$ ./showLines
1: -90.308998 2: -90.308998 3: -90.308998 4: -90.308998
1: -90.308998 2: -90.308998 3: -90.308998 4: -90.308998
1: -90.308998 2: -90.308998 3: -90.308998 4: -90.308998
1: -90.308998 2: -90.308998 3: -90.308998 4: -90.308998
It will display one line per second until CTRL-C is pressed.