The E-Touch app is a Bluetooth app that can be used with both smart phones and tablet
The E-Touch app is a Bluetooth app that can be used with both smart phones and tablet
devices, and is available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
devices, and is available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Please note
Please note
that the e-touch app can only be connected to one phone at a time.
that the e-touch app can only be connected to one phone at a time.
Before getting started with the app, connect the fire to the mains power, and push the
Before getting started with the app, connect the fire to the mains power, and push the
rocker switch to the ON position.
rocker switch to the ON position.
To begin using the app you first need to pair your appliance to the app,
To begin using the app you first need to pair your appliance to the app,
we have created a video on our Youtube channel to guide you through the
we have created a video on our Youtube channel to guide you through the
process of pairing your appliance to your smart phone or tablet. Scan the
process of pairing your appliance to your smart phone or tablet. Scan the
QR code to be taken to the video and get started.
QR code to be taken to the video and get started.
Alternatively, search the Apple or Google store for the e-touch app and
Alternatively, search the Apple or Google store for the e-touch app and
download it to your device. Ensure that your device has bluetooth switched
download it to your device. Ensure that your device has bluetooth switched
on, press the plus icon and then the search icon. Whilst the app is searching hold it close
on, press the plus icon and then the search icon. Whilst the app is searching hold it close
to the lower right hand corner of the appliance. Once your appliance is found, select it,
to the lower right hand corner of the appliance. Once your appliance is found, select it,
and you’ll be taken to the below Home Page. Your appliance is now paired to the app.
and you’ll be taken to the below Home Page. Your appliance is now paired to the app.