the earphones for 1 second.
Flat battery:
you will hear a "battery low"
voice notice and the LED will flash red.
Accepting an incoming call:
press the
Rejecting an incoming call:
press the
button twice
Ending an ongoing call:
press the button
Redialing the last called number:
press the
button twice
Transferring an incoming call:
press the
button for 2 seconds to transfer the call to
your mobile phone.
Multipoint connection (up to 2 devices, e.g.
you can use the telephone features on your
mobile phone and play games on your
tablet or use two mobile phones
press and hold the
button for 4 seconds when the earphones
are off (the LED will flash blue and red and
you will hear a "pairing" voice notice) and
pair the earphones with the first device.
Then turn off the earphones and the
Bluetooth function on the first device. To