PG300 Handover Information Rev 00
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The gates are normally supplied configured in "minimum risk" mode for
users. Any modification of parameters must be done knowingly by
manufacturer trained personnel.
Anyone using the gates MUST be trained in their correct use. Failure to
provide such training may result in serious accidents or injuries.
The sounder/buzzer is activated if an intrusion or fraud is detected during the passage
Open Commands
The open commands are connected to the TD controller. When an authorisation signal is
received, a configurable timer starts, corresponding to the time allowed for the user to pass
through the lane, after which the obstacles automatically close.
Successive passage authorisations can be stored for each direction and give the right to each
passage. The number of stored passages can be set in the TD controller.
Passage authorisation signal must be as short as possible, ideally 100ms. It must be a volt
free, normally open contact. A separate open command is required for each direction of travel
and for each user.
Open command input.
If the open pulse is less than 2 seconds’ gates will open and will rema
in open until either a
valid passage or OPEN DELAY time out.
If the open pulse is permanent and longer than the OPEN DELAY, the logic assumes a
HOLD OPEN status and the gates will remain open until the open pulse is removed. Once
the pulse is removed the gate will close without any safety.
If the open pulse is more than 3 seconds, then the gates will close as soon as the pulse is
Anyone using the gates MUST be trained in their correct use. Failure to
provide such training may result in serious accidents or injuries.
If the desk top console is provided with a momentary push button than it
must be pressed for LESS than 3 seconds. If the button is pressed for more
than 3 seconds, it may close on the user.
If the open pulse is permanent and longer than the OPEN DELAY, the logic
assumes a HOLD OPEN status and the gates will remain open until the
open pulse is removed. Once the pulse is removed the gate will close
without any safety.