Noise coming from the weir
Check the water level in the weir. It should be level with the top of the emergency
standpipe (component 3.) If more than the tiniest trickle is overflowing down the
emergency pipe a hollow noise may be caused. This can be prevented by further fine
adjustment of the double union ball valve on component 2, and/or further adjustment by
way of an electronically controllable sump return pump.
If the water level in the weir is half way down inside, the double union ball valve on
component 2 should be closed until the water level rises back up to the top of the
emergency standpipe, component 3.
The pipework configuration chosen for eareefPro is known in the international marine
community as a “herbie,” and has been chosen for its ease of use, reliability, quiet
operation and high flow capabilities. Once adjusted correctly it should run very quietly,
and is the choice of many experts around the world.
Water dripping from the base of the weir into the cabinet
If there are any drips at all coming down from the weir into the cabinet or sump, the
components and their tank connectors have not been done up sufficiently.
Ensure that there is a rubber washer on each side of the glass, around all three weir
Tighten by rotating pipework clockwise by hand. Two people may be necessary – one
securing pipework in the sump area and one turning pipework clockwise, above, in the
weir area of the main display tank.
Note no tools or silicone sealant are necessary at all. Over-tightening using tools may
crack the tank connectors or the tank glass.
Water is syphoning from the top-up reservoir into the main sump area
The only way that this can occur is if an automatic top-up device is fitted by the user,
and the top-up hose placed too low down in the sump. The hose exit must always be
fastened higher than the top-up pump, and out of and above the main sump water.
Water overflows from the sump when the power goes off.
If this occurs the user has either overfilled the sump past its recommended running level
(the height of the baffles) or extra extensions have been fitted to the inlets in the main
tank above. Practice turning the power on and off when the system is first installed to
make sure that this does not occur.