Hybrid 10R Manual Ver. 1.00
Page 17
Th an k you for s e le ct in g th i s p ro fe s sio n al f ix tu re fro m e vo li te
Th is n e w inte ll ige nt Mo vi n g B ea m wi ll p ro vid e y ou rel iab i li ty, l ate st feat u re s, an d p rofe s si on al l i ght in g
effect s for a lo n g p e rio d of ti m e.
Th is e voli te fi xtu re i s co mp l y in g wit h E u rop ea n sta n d ard s :
2014/30/EU, EN 2011/65/EU, EN
Device description
> Professional hybrid moving head
> 3 different effects: Beam/Wash/Spot
> Fit with 280W short arc lamp (10R type)
> Lamp included
> 16/24
DMX channels
> 13 metal fix Gobos + open
> 9 glass rotating gobos + open
> 13 white
> Shutter with strob effect
> PAN & TILT Movements with fast step motors
> Pan movement range 530 degree
Mechanical multi-step focus with three different angles (15 degrees, 18 degrees and 22 degrees).
>15 high quality stepping-motor controlled by microprocessors
> 8 facets circular prism
> 6 facets linear prism
> Lamp controlled by DMX
> Control modes: DMX & Auto, Sound detection
> Easy-to-use touch sensitive menu with LCD screen
The installation of the projector has to be built and constructed in a way that it can hold 10 times the weight for 1 hour without any
harming deformation.
IMPORTANT! OVERHEAD RIGGING REQUIRES EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE, including calculating working load limits, installation material
being used, and periodic safety inspection of all installation material and the projector. If you lack these qualifications, do not attempt
the installation yourself, but instead use a professional structural rigger. Improper installation can result in bodily injury and or damage
to property. The projector had to be installed out of the reach of people