EvoScan 90 Manual Ver. 1
Page 13
Th an k you for s e le ct in g th i s p ro fe s sio n al f ix tu re fro m e vo li te
Th is n e w inte ll ige nt Mo vi n g B ea m wi ll p ro vid e y ou rel iab i li ty, l ate st feat u re s, an d p rofe s si on al l i ght in g
effect s for a lo n g p e rio d of ti m e.
Th is e voli te fi xtu re i s co mp l y in g wit h E u rop ea n sta n d ard s : EN60598-1:2008+A11:2009 EN60598-2-17:1989+A2:1991
et RoHs.
Device description
High power OSRAM 90W white LED
50000 hours lifetime and lower power consumption
15 or 19 DMX channel
Beam angle 12 degree 34000Lux at 1m,14.5 degree 28000Lux at 1m
Manual zoom 12 or 14.5 degree
1 Color wheel with 8 diachronic colors plus open
1 Rotated gobo wheel with 7 rotated interchangeable gobos plus open.
Rotated 3 facet prism with speed adjustable and variable direction
0~100% linear dimmer and 1-18 times/sec high speed electronic strobe
DMX512, master-slave and sound activated controllable and auto with 8 built-in programs