11.10 Email
‘Email’ icon to open the email application and go directly to your personal e-mail software. This
application is compatible with most e-mail software and is used to easily read, send and receive e-mails.
11.11 Explorer
‘Explorer’ icon to open your tablet’s navigator and have access to the contents of your Micro SD or
device’s internal memory.
11.1 2 Search
‘Search’ icon to open the search application. From here, you can search Web/Apps/Music.
12.1 Turn on the wifi and connect it.
12.2 Data usage
Set data usage cycle.
12.3 Sound
Set the volumes, system sounds
12.4 Display
Set the brightness, wallpaper, screensaver etc.
12.5 Storage
Show all storage and space of apps in internal memory/ SD card/USB disk.
12.6 Battery
Show battery usage data.