Laser PRO RGB 3W Animation
- - 7 - -
middle wave
big wave
biggest wave
red dimming
red dimming from 100%-0%
green dimming
green dimming from 100%-0%
blue dimming
blue dimming from 100%-0%
DMX-512 connection
DMX In To the fourth
First light (Address 001) Second light (Address 018) Third light(Address 035)
DMX Address setting
Each fixture must set a specific starting address. When receiving signal transmission, fixture will receive
channel control signals which from the starting address.
According to different requirements or easy to use, the user can set many value fixtures to the same
address, also can set up a separate address for every device.
If you set the same address, all the devices will receive from DMX channels signal. All connecting fixtures
are jointly controlled, controller can't separate control a device.
If you set a different address, each device will be separate from its particular set the starting address and
begin accepting DMX512 control signal, so that more convenient separate control one device. Using this
method must be based on channel quantity of device to determine a starting address.
This laser light has 17 channels, you should set the starting address of the first unit to 1, the second unit
to 18(1 + 17), the third unit to 35 (17*2+ 1), and so on.