Things to Know About the Ravishing by Evis Blue Light Therapy Acne Treatment
1. Blue light is an acne treatment, not a cure.
2. Blue light is effective against the P. acnes, the bacteria that causes
inflammatory acne, or acne vulgaris.
Ravishing by Evis Blue Light Therapy is a hand held device that employs light
therapy technology: a non-invasive, low-level, non-thermal light energy that
addresses one of the suggested underlying causes of acne.
The Ravishing by Evis Blue Light Therapy device uses a specific light wavelength
that has been proven to be effective in eliminating the P. acne bacteria.
Medical Related Information
The information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure or prevent any disease. That is between you and your
physician. If you have (or think you have) a medical
condition, please contact your primary health care provider