Rev 24.03.2021
Installation guidelines
There are no precise rules or standards to follow when installing gas detectors. The
following points must be taken into account:
Application (air quality control or leakage detection)
Properties of the space under investigation (room geometry, direction, and
velocity of airflows, etc.),
Halocarbons are heavier than air and tend to sink. The sensor should be placed
near the floor.
The device should be accessible for maintenance and repair.
The aforementioned conditions above will affect the coverage area of the device. however,
the coverage area for a detector is usually between 2.5 to 5 meters radius.
For early leakage detection install the sensor as close as possible to the potential leakage
sources (flanges, valves, pressure reducers, pumps, etc.), taking into consideration other
points listed above.
For general area monitoring without definite leakage sources, the detector should be
distributed evenly in the room.
Do not locate the detector close to ventilation openings and strong air currents. Avoid the
areas without air circulation (corners, niches) as well.
For personal safety control, the detectors are installed in the breathing zone (at the height
of the head of people or animals). The recommended sensor position is vertical, pointing