GPS/GPRS/GSM vehicle tracking system
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When the object moves exceeds 80 km/h, the unit will send SMS as “Over speed! +GPS info” to the authorized numbers. Send “123456J0,080” to tracker
means turn off the speeding alert function.
11. GPS signal lost and recovery alert (Coordinate saving)
K must be in capital form.
Example: 123456K1
The device will automatically send the latest available GPS information to the preset numbers when it enters into the area without GPS signal.
If user goes into an area that does not have a GPS signal, such as a tunnel, cave, parking garage, etc. – the device will know where user was 10 minutes before
they went into such an area. The device will send “GPS info” to the preset numbers. This is critical! If a motorcycle/car goes missing – you’ll be able to
know the closest possible location before the GPS signal was lost.
With any SMS sent during the period without GPS signal, the device will reply GPS information to preset numbers soonest as the GPS signal is covered.
To turn off this function, please send
to the device.
12. Auto Tracking
PM+1, xxx(M)
M must be in capital form. The numbers where “xxx” are situated displays the time interval in which the position message will be replayed.
The letter “M” means minute, The setting must be in 3 digits and at maximum 999 in value, which means 001~999
Example: 123456M1,002
The tracker will in turn reply with one position message at 2 minutes.
To turn off this function, please send
to the device.
13. Movement Alert