A new choice for your customers
Anticipating customers’ needs is vital to success,
and offering this new product fulfills that desire
A point-of-differentiation
Distinguishing yourself from the competition is difficult in today’s
competitive environment, but premium carafe water can set you apart
filtered water is what your customers want
45.1% of patrons believe locations that have filtered water have superior quality food
55% of patrons are more inclined to eat at restaurants that filter their drinking water
68.9% of patrons want to know if a restaurant uses filtered drinking water
Datassentials 2006
The national recycling rate for beverage containers is around 30%
many of the same processes used by bottled water companies to manufacture
bottled water are available to you with the ExuberaPRO system
Filtering water on site greatly reduces the amount of transportation
cost associated with delivering high-quality water
high-quAlity, luxuRy wAtER yOuR custOmERs
cAn fEEl gOOd AbOut ORdERing