6. Open case.
Before you open your system “ground” yourself (discharge any static
electricity) by touching an unpainted metal object, such as the system
chassis. Leave the system plugged in and grounded (but turned off)
throughout the install process, and touch the chassis frequently.
7. Remove the heatsink/fan power connector from the motherboard.
Before removing the original Slot 1 processor, disconnect the
heatsink/fan power connector that is connected to the main system
motherboard. Observe the orientation of the black and red wires and
the way the connector attaches to the motherboard pins, you may need
to duplicate this connection with the upgrade fan power connector.
This connection needs to be detached to allow you to remove the
processor module assembly.
Note: Not all Slot 1 processors have fans connected to them.
8. Remove the original Slot 1 procesor. (Figure 8-1)
Remove the original Slot 1 processor by pushing the tabs on the top
corners of the Slot 1 processor in toward the center of the module.
After the tabs have been moved into the proper position, grasp the
card with one hand on each side of the unit. Slowly and evenly pull
the component up out of its seated position. Your system manual may
have additional information on removing the original processor.
9. Identify the Slot 1 rails on your motherboard.
The Pentium II and the Celeron “stick” processors use different types
of rails to hold the processors in place. First identify which type you
Figure 9-1
shows the Pentium II rails and
Figure 9-2
shows the
Celeron “stick” rails.
10. Case
If you have the Pentium II rails skip to step 11. If you have the Celeron
rails, remove the black case from the Performa III. First, lay the card
flat with the fan facing up. With one hand holding the fan down, gently
lift the arm closest to the fan wires away from the card (
Figure 10-1
The case is hinged and opens like a door. Once you have the case
open, grasp the card and pull upward to release it from the notches.
Next, slide the card out of the case being careful not to damage the
Performa III.
11. Installing Evergreen’s upgrade
Installing Evergreen’s upgrade is the reverse of removing the Slot 1
processor module. Find the notch on the bottom of the upgrade and
make sure you are aligning it properly (
Figure 11-1
With the notch properly aligned, slowly and evenly insert the upgrade
by pushing down on the top edge of the card until it seats fully into
the processor slot (
Figure 11-2
12. Secure card into place
Pentium II rails: Push the tabs away from the card until they “click”
into place. Celeron rails: Push down evenly on the top edge of the
upgrade to ensure the card is inserted securely into the slot.
13. Connect Heatsink/Fan Cable
There are 2 types of connectors; a standard pass through that attaches
to your computer’s power supply and a plug type connector that
attaches to pins on the motherboard. The Performa III comes equipped
with both.
Pass through Connector Install (Large 4-Pin Connector)
When the upgrade is seated and locked, attach the heatsink/fan
connector to the computer’s power supply. If you have a power
cable that is not being used, plug the four-pin/male connector into
the fan’s power supply.
If all power cables are being used, disconnect the power cable from
the back of a hard drive or CD/ROM drive. Next, plug the female
end of the fan connector into the power supply you just removed.
Plug the male end of the fan connector back into the drive.
Motherboard Connector Install (Small 3-Pin Connector)
When the upgrade is seated and locked, attach the fan connector
to the same pins on the motherboard that were used for the fan
connector. Check the orientation of the black and red fan wires to
make sure they are in the same positions as the original.
14. Test installation, Reassemble System
Insert the INSTALL Diskette into drive A and start the computer.
INSTALL will display your Before and After performance.
Remove the INSTALL diskette and restart your computer to verify
operation. The Performa III installation is complete.
Reassemble your computer and complete the owner registration process
Evergreen Technologies, Inc. 808 NW Buchanan Ave. Corvallis, OR 97330-6218
Te l : 5 4 1 . 7 5 7 . 0 9 3 4 F a x : 5 4 1 . 7 5 7 . 7 3 5 0 W e b : w w w . e v e r g r e e n n o w . c o m
Contact Information:
tel: (541) 757-0934
fax: (541) 757-7350
Technical Support
tel: (541) 757-7341
fax: (541) 752-9851
tel: +44 (0) 1793 601300
fax: +44 (0) 1793 539799
Technical Support
tel: +44 (0) 1793 601333
fax: +44 (0) 1793 539799
Figure 8-1
Figure 10-1
Figure 11-1
Figure 11-2
Figure 9-2
Figure 9-1