Filter Configuration
There are 3 mode that you can choice for filter configuration:
Disabled: this mode is protected from potential threats like hackers, if the traffic from illegal MAC
addresses will not be forwarded by the switch.
Static: This table displays the static MAC addresses connected, as well as the VID
PoE (Power over Ethernet) Configuration
PoE technology is a system to pass electrical power safely, along with data, on Ethernet cabling.
Power is supplied in common mode over two or more of the differential pairs of sires found in the
Ethernet cables and comes from a power supply within a PoE enabled networking devise such as
Switch or can be injected into a cable run with a midspan power supply.
This figure shows all the PoE ‘s status when connect or disconnect to the PD devise.
PoE Enabled: POE of the port is able to supply power to the attached PD (Powered Device)
PD Class: Detect the class of PD