U Universal DVR
If the hard disk is not installed or has not started recording, the DVR will produce the
event list, but the user cannot playback the video of a specific event by clicking the event.
Set the conditions for the event search.
Slide the slider to choose a page of the event list. The right
numbers will show the corresponding page number.
Press left and right arrow keys or enter the page number
directly. It will go to the select event page.
Refresh the event list.
Search Criteria
The number of event is up to thousands; therefore, to set "search criteria" to filter events. If the
checkboxes of start time and end time are checked, the event list will only display the events
within the specific time slot. If the user only checks some events and presses the "OK ", the lists
will only show the checked events. If you uncheck the channels, the event list will filter out the
unchecked channels.