Assembly (continued)
3. Use a 5/8 in. deep-well socket to install the new
nozzle in the top (double port) of the ejector body (See
Figure 3). The nozzle screws into the third set of
threads visible inside the ejector discharge port (the
larger port) in the ejector body.
4. Install the venturi in the ejector body. The venturi
threads into the second set of threads in the ejector
discharge port (it threads in over the nozzle).The end of
the venturi will extend out of the port when it is installed
(See Figure 4).
Figure 3
Figure 4
5. Install the check valve and strainer on the single-
port end of the ejector (the bottom of the ejector - See
Figure 5).
6.Wrap 1-1/2 turns of Teflon tape onto the threaded end
of the pipe adapter. Thread the long adapter (furnished)
into the ejector discharge port (slide it over the venturi to
install it). Tape and install a short adapter (not furnished -
purchase locally) in the drive port (See Figure 6). The
adapters must be tight - if the assembly leaks, the pump
will not lift water from the well.
Figure 5
Figure 6