Depth Is Mix!
Many modulation type effects provide a mix control. In fact, it is impossible to achieve
most modulation type effects without a mix control. By definition these effects are cre-
ated by combining the dry input signal with some affected signal. This signal is usually
phase shifted by means of a phase shift network, or time delayed by a digital delay line
or bucket brigade device. The Instant Flanger has a mix knob, but rather than being
labeled Mix, it is called Depth. At 0% the output is entirely the delayed signal. At 100%
the output is the equal mix of the input and delayed signal. At -100% the
signal is mixed at equal amplitude with the delayed signal.
Why is it called Depth, you ask? As you add more of the dry signal to the delayed signal,
nulls appear in the output spectrum. These nulls get deeper as the two signals approach
equal amplitude. Hence you are controlling the depth of the nulls!
The Eventide Clockworks Instant Flanger had two outputs: a Main out and an Aux out.
The Main output is the output of two bucket brigade devices in series, while the Aux
output is the output from a single bucket brigade device. This means that the Main
output’s delay time is roughly twice that of the Aux output. Furthermore, the Main output
is 180 degrees out of phase with both the input signal and the Aux output. If the two
outputs are configured such that the Main out is sent to the left channel, and Aux out
to the right, you will hear a stereo effect. This will sound like the signal is moving from
the center to the right channel (at 100% depth) or to the left channel (at -100% depth).
Which output path is used by the plug-in can be configured with the Mode setting.
Mod Sources
Unlike most flangers, which are solely controlled by an LFO, the Instant Flanger gives
you access to 4 different modulation sources. They are:
• Manual - The big knob in the center, used for manual control of the flanging.
• Oscillator - The classic LFO-controlled flanging, with variable rate.
• Envelope - Flanging is controlled by the level of the input signal, with adjustable
threshold and release time. The switch below the Envelope controls allows for a
side chain input to be routed to the envelope follower instead of the input signal.
• Remote - On the original box, this was a 1/4 inch jack for any remote signal. In the
plug-in this makes the flanging controllable via MIDI.
Summary of Contents for INSTANT FLANGER MK II FL201
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