2. Finding out the charge status:
In order to fi nd out the approximate charge
status of the batt ery shortly press butt on.
The respecti ve number of LEDs light on based on
the current status of discharge. The number of
LEDs that are on shows the status of discharge.
In case that only LED 4 is on it is necessary to
charge the batt ery.
3. Removing and inserti ng the batt ery into the bracket:
In order to unlock the batt ery lock, turn the key counterclockwise. In the unlocked positi on it is not possible to take
the key out. You will lock by turning clockwise, thus preventi ng from ejecti ng the batt ery from the bracket (in this
positi on it is possible to take the key out). During the ride and manipulati on with the bike always remove the key in
order to prevent from losing it or breaking it in the lock.
Upon ejecti ng the batt ery from the bracket please proceed in the following way. In the unlocked positi on grasp
the batt ery on its sides by both hands and by pressing forward – towards the controls move the batt ery forward
for about 10 mm. Now the batt ery is released and it is possible to move it away from the bracket by pulling. Use
reverse procedure to insert the batt ery back to the bracket.
During any ride the batt ery must always be locked and the key must be away of the lock.
3. Descripti on of the individual parts of the batt ery:
LEDs on
1, 2, 3, 4
75 - 100 %
2, 3, 4
50 - 75 %
3, 4
25 - 50 %
4 (red)*
0 - 25 %
* LED 4 always lights red even when the batt ery
capacity is 100 %.
Move forward
Power terminals
ON/OFF switch
and LED indicator
Batt ery Lock
Protecti ve fuse
Charger connector
GWL Power Ltd., EU-VAT ID: CZ682998344