Assembly Instructions
Note On Assembly Of Front Panel Components
While most of the components on the SDIY MDRONE get soldered directly to
the PCB, the front panel components are first soldered to wires, and then the
wires are soldered to the board. Leave long enough wires to allow easy
assembly at the end. While assembling the PCB, it’s best to just solder the front
panel components to long leads (6 to 8 inches), and leave them laying beside
the board. Don’t attempt to install the front panel components into the front
panel until the board is completely assembled.
To begin assembly, clear a space on your workbench
. It helps to have good
lighting, and your tools located where they can be easily reached. Plug in your
soldering iron and let it come up to temperature. It helps to have a dampened
sponge nearby, to wipe the solder tip on to keep it clean. Place the bare circuit
board in the middle of your work area, with the white silkscreen legend facing
The next few paragraphs will go step-by-step through the process of
assembling the circuit board. You may wish to check these steps o
as you go,
to keep track of your place.
____ Sockets
First, install the two IC sockets in the locations U1 and U2 on the PCB. There
is a notch at one end of the socket. Line up the notch in the socket with the
notch in the white component outline on the board.
To install the socket, place the socket in the holes on the board for the
socket, and make sure the socket is flat against the board all the way around.
You can use a piece of clear tape to hold the socket in place while you solder
the pins. Remove the tape after soldering.
____ Virtual Ground Resistor Divider
Install two of the 10k
resistors (brown/black/orange) into locations R5 and
R6 on the board. Carefully bend the leads of the resistors so that they fit
through the two holes in the board at the ends of the component outline. Bend
the leads slightly on the back side of the PCB to hold the resistors in place, and
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Hey, that’s
first step. My bench is always a complete mess!
200 School St
Pittsburgh, PA 15220-2718