EVA Royal 4000 Instruction Manual Download Page 23

Summary of Contents for Royal 4000

Page 1: ...Model 4000 EVA llc at 4000 BRUGSANVISNING INSTRUCTION MANUAL...

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Page 3: ...ldrig symaskinen hvis ventilationsabningeme er blokerede Og hold ventilationsabningeme pa symaskinen og fodpedalen fri for stov og lose trrevler OS Tab aldrig noget ind i symaskinen eller isret gensta...

Page 4: ...or damaged or dropped into water Retum the appliance to the nearest authorized dealer or service center for examination repair electrical or mechanical adjustment 4 Never operate the appliance with an...

Page 5: ...gning af undertrAd 20 21 Bringing up the lower thread 20 21 Tilbagesyning 20 21 Reverse sewing 20 21 Borttagning af stof 20 21 Remove the work 20 21 Tr dskrerer 20 21 Cutting the thread 20 21 Stikkest...

Page 6: ...1 2 3 5 6 J1 1 2 17 8 9 10 18 2...

Page 7: ...knap 16 0n Offknap 17 Eltilslutning 18 Tradf0rer 19 Trykfodsl0fter 3 Details of the machine 1 Stitch width dial optional 2 Thread tension dial 3 Thread take up lever 4 Presser foot 5 Needle plate 6 Se...

Page 8: ...2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 uu...

Page 9: ...ekker 13 Nale 3 aim I bla niil 14 Spole 3 stk 15 Saks 16 Rulle med trild 2 stk 17 Rulle trykfod 5 Accessories 1 All purpose foot 2 Zipper foot 3 Buttonhole foot 4 Button sewing foot 5 Darning plate 6...

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Page 11: ...is De er i tvivl om tilslutningen Tra k stikket ud afmaskinen nar den ikke anvendes Sylampe For at kunne anvende maskinen skal On Offknappen C sta pa On 7 Fitting the snap in sewing table Keep the sna...

Page 12: ...A B J l 8...

Page 13: ...trykfoden lidt ekstra ved at holde trykfodsl0fter A helt op 3 9 Changing the bulb Disconnect the machine from the power supply by removing the plug from the main socket Loosen screw A as illustnated...

Page 14: ...a_ 2 10...

Page 15: ...for S0m fold mv 4 Bemrerk On Off knappen skal sta pa Off nar man udf0rer ovenstaende 11 Attaching the presser foot holder Raise the presser foot clamp a 1 Attach the presser foot holder b as illustra...

Page 16: ...I 2 12...

Page 17: ...i lasen 4 Isret spolekapslen i spolehuset 5 Bemrerk OnlOff knappen skal sta pa Off 13 Winding the bobbin Place empty bobbin on spindle Take the thread from the spool through the guide to the bobbin 1...

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Page 19: ...nden made beskadigede nale 2 Problemer kan forekommer med A BIJjet nal B SIIJv nal C Beskadiget nal 15 Inserting the needle Change the needle regularly especially if it is showing signs of wear and ca...

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Page 21: ...nem nale0jet fra front og bagud Efterlad ca 10 cm trad 5 17 Threading the upper thread Attention Tum power switch to off Raise the needle bar Follow completely the numbered sequence in upper threading...

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Page 23: ...er for 10s C Tradsprendingen er for stram Bemrerk Spolens tradsprending skal normalt ikke justeres 19 Thread tension Lower thread tension To test the bobbin thread tension remove the bobbin case and b...

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Page 25: ...iTa maskinen Tradskrerer Hold tdidene bag trykioden og f0f oem ind i slidsen A trrek tradene med og de viI blive skaret over 21 Bringing up the lower thread Hold the upper thread with the left hand Tu...

Page 26: ...I Straigbl stitches Slikkesting SlilCh width dial Stitch lCDgth dial Slingbredde StingJa ngdc l IJemseleclo dial 0 Men to I d I 1 Re e Ie I Tr gesYnm g Stitch width diaJ STT I I 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 ____ L 2...

Page 27: ...betegnes satin sting 23 Straight stitching Tum the stitch selection dial so that the pointer is set to the straight stitch position Generally speaking the thicker the fabric thread and needle the long...

Page 28: ...Stitch width dial Stingbredde 1 24 Stitch length dial Stinglamgde...

Page 29: ...langsom og fffi stoffet forsigtigt langs kanten af guiden 25 Blind hem lmgerie stitch For hems curtains trousers skirts etc NIwII Blind hem for stretch fabrics I ABlin hem lingerie for firm fabrics S...

Page 30: ...Standard overlock Standard overlock Double overlock stitch Dobbelt overlock sting Stretch overlock Strrekvares0m Stitch width dial Stingbredde 26 Stitch length dial Stinglrengde...

Page 31: ...ve kastes0mme samtidig Ved syning skal nalen Jige prrecis bevrege sig over kanten af stoffet Bemrerk Anvend nye nale eller strreknale 27 Overlock stitches Seams neatening visible hems Tum stitch lengt...

Page 32: ...1 2 3 28...

Page 33: ...er i knappen 2 skubbe knappen fremad og dernrest sy de to bagerste som beskrevel ovenfor 3 29 Sewing on buttons Install the darning plate I Position the work under the foot Place the button on the mar...

Page 34: ...Stitch width dial Stingbredde 1 2 mlfT1 bU 3 ill 30 4 D Stitch length dial Stinglamgde...

Page 35: ...tof Det anbefales at bruge en snor nar der syes i strrek og let stof Zig zag skal sy over snoren 31 Buttonholes Prepare 1 Take off the zigzag foot and attach the buttonhole foot 2 Measure diameter and...

Page 36: ...Stitch width dial Stitch length dial Stingbredde Stinglamgde i S 1 OJ 2 3 32...

Page 37: ...sa S0mmen ogsa bliver peen lige helt oppe Nar De skal sy venstre side aflynlasen fast skydes foden til den anden side sa nalen er pa h0jre side aftrykfoden Sy lynlasen fast som beskrevet ovenfor Det...

Page 38: ...Stitch width dial Stitch length dial Stingbredde Stinglrengde 8 1 l j c OJ 1 2 3 34...

Page 39: ...the Hemmer foot For hems in fine or sheer fabrics Set the machine as illustrated I Neaten the edge of the fabric At the beginning of the hem tum under the edge twice by about 3 mm 1 8 and sew 4 5 stit...

Page 40: ...1 2 Stitch width dial Stingbredde 36 J I V V l Stitch length dial Stingla ngde 3...

Page 41: ...m man anvende tricot syning Sy pa samme made som overnrevnt Det anbefales at sy mellem 3 og 5 rrekker athrengig af materiale typen 3 37 3 step zig zag Sewing on lace and elastic darning mending reinfo...

Page 42: ...h width dial Stingbredde 8 1 3 III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III iii Stitch length dial Stinglrengde 38 Stitch width dial Stitch length dial Stingbredde Stinglrengde 8 CD...

Page 43: ...tinglrengden til s1 eller S2 Stingbredden skal vrere mellem 3 og 5 Dette sting kan benyttes til at sy kraftige strrekstoffer hver gang en zigzag kan benyttes Tredobbelt elastisk zigzag kan ogsa anvend...

Page 44: ...2 SlUch width dial Stingbredde j Stitch width dial Stingbredde 3 40 3 Stitch length dial Stinglzngde stidllenglh dial Stingla ngde OJ...

Page 45: ...anvendelig til dekorering puder etc borddug osv Indstil maskinen som vist Forskellige sting er anvendelige til syning pa snor f eks zig zag tredobbelt zig zag og dekorationssting 4 Indsret snoren i tr...

Page 46: ...Stitch width dial Stingbredde F H I I I 42 G Stich length dial Stinglrengde...

Page 47: ...e med snor eller elastik Dobbelt sikkerhedss0m G Anvendelig til jrevn syning syning pa elastik synlige sting Dette sting er anvendelig i fast tyk stof 43 Practical stitches Set the machine as illustra...

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Page 49: ...bage kontroller at de sidder rigtig Vigtigt Maskinen b0r regelmressig reng0l es for evt tradrester mm 4S Maiil enan Attention Disconnect the machine from the electricity supply by removing the plug fi...

Page 50: ...skinen er blevet snavset ved brug af evt darlig olie brug kun en god syrerri symaskineol ie Griberlejet er snavset oJ Nalen knrekker 1 Kontroller om nalen er sat rigtig i Er den spids 2 Kontroller om...

Page 51: ...side towards 3 Wrong needle size for the fabric the back 4 The wrong foot is attached 3 Choose a needle to suit the thread and fabric 4 Select the correct foot Loose I The machine is not correctly th...

Page 52: ...g stof Bemrerk Tynd uld stof Bomuld med 90 Ipolyester Kraftig bomuld 50 Silke Tweed 40 til 50 bomuld 90 Gabardine 40 til 50 syntetisk eller Gardin stof Bomuld med polyester 100 Generelt anvendes fint...

Page 53: ...ty thread carpet upholstery fabrics some leathers and thread Use heavy foot vinyls prcssure Iarge numbers IMPORTANT Match needle size to thread and weight offabric NEEDLES EXPLANATION TYPE OF FABRIC H...

Page 54: ...0 20 08 62 mandag til fredag mellem 09 00 og 12 00 og fa rad og vejledning Udenfor ovenn vnte tidsrum kan vi i tilf lde af sPQrgsmru eller service ntaktes pa 96 691600 i tidsrummet mandag til torsdag...

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Page 56: ...Ringvejen 59 7900 Nyk J bing Mors Denmark Tel 96 69 1600...
